Jane Cushman

Jane R. Cushman, Ph.D.

Chair and Associate Professor Science And Math Complex 391
Office: (716) 878-6319
Email: cushmajr@buffalostate.edu
Valentin Brimkov

Valentin E. Brimkov, Ph.D.

Distinguished Professor Science And Math Complex 374
Office: (716) 878-6909
Email: brimkove@buffalostate.edu
Lisa Dixon

Lisa M. Dixon, A.A.S.

Administrative Assistant Science And Math Complex 159
Office: (716) 878-5621
Email: dixonlm@buffalostate.edu

Emily R. Fagerstrom, Ph.D.

Lecturer Science And Math Complex 367
Office: (716) 878-6827
Email: fagerser@buffalostate.edu
Susan McMillen

Susan E. McMillen, Ph.D.

Professor Science And Math Complex 371
Office: (716) 878-4523
Email: mcmillse@buffalostate.edu

Jeffrey C. Morton, Ph.D.

Associate Professor Science And Math Complex 369
Office: (716) 878-6438
Email: mortonjc@buffalostate.edu

Robin Sue O'Dell, Ph.D.

Associate Professor Science And Math Complex 375
Office: (716) 878-6407
Email: odellrs@buffalostate.edu

Brent P. Persia, M.S.Ed.

Lecturer Science And Math Complex 388
Office: (716) 878-5621
Email: persiabp@buffalostate.edu
Robin Sanders

Robin Sue Sanders, Ph.D.

Associate Professor Science And Math Complex 368
Office: (716) 878-6506
Email: sanderrs@buffalostate.edu

Nilam Yagielski

Lecturer Science And Math Complex 385
Phone: (716) 878-6827
Email: yagielnr@buffalostate.edu