Bruce Swan, Ph.D.
Associate Professor Science And Math Complex 372Office: (716) 878-6429
Email: sunbq@buffalostate.edu
Ph.D., University of Pittsburgh
Editor in Chief of International Journal of Data Analytics
About Bruce Swan, associate professor
Dr. Bruce Swan is the leading professor of SUNY Certificate Program of Statistics in Insurance.
Bruce Swan is an associate professor of applied mathematics and statistics at Buffalo State. He graduated from University of Pittsburgh with a Ph.D in financial mathematics. He had worked in financial institutes such as commercial bank and investment firm for six years.
Swan's research interests are in the fields of applied mathematics, financial mathematics, statistics and actuarial science, including Financial Time Series, Stochastic Analysis, Term Structure Models, Importance Sampling, Monte Carlo methods, Numerical Methods in Ordinary Differential Equations (ODE) and Partial Differential Equations (PDE), Banking and Investment.