David C. Wilson, Ph.D.
Associate Professor Science And Math Complex 390Office: (716) 878-3225
Email: wilsondc@buffalostate.edu
Ph.D., SUNY, University at Buffalo
About David Wilson, associate professor and Graduate program chair
David Wilson earned his doctorate in Mathematics Education in 2002 at SUNY Buffalo under the direction of Douglas H. Clements. His dissertation titled Young Children’s Composition of Shape: A Learning Trajectory, stemmed from work on the NSF funded project: Building Blocks—Foundations for Mathematical Thinking, Pre-Kindergarten to Grade 2.
Wilson’s background includes more than a decade of teaching high school mathematics and another decade plus teaching mathematics and mathematics education courses at the undergraduate and graduate level.
His research interests include problem-based teaching and learning with a particular focus on geometry and statistics. Most recently, his research has focused on Chinese mathematics teaching, curriculum, and professional development. One aspect of this work involves developing an English language version of a popular Chinese curriculum. The other connects with the recent attention given to Lesson Study in China and the opportunity to implement similar professional development models in the U.S. as a way of providing support for teachers during the adoption and transition to the Common Core State Standards. Related to the latter, Wilson serves as a member of the SUNY PARCC advisory group and has been involved in the piloting of the proposed NYS Teacher Performance Assessment.
NYS Mathematics 7-12 (Permanent), Gifted Education Extension